A Mermaid in a Shark Tank….

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Una Sirena en un Tanque de Tiburones

I must be a Mermaid. I have no fear of depth and a great fear of shallow living

— Anaïs Nin.

Hi There,

My name is Ada and I am trying to figure out this whole life thing. I know if you are a millennial you are thinking “so are all of us, what makes you special”  and if you’re not a millennial you might be thinking what are you trying to figure out, your life can’t be that bad.

Well, I am special, because I am me and that is enough and it isn’t, my life is not bad at all, it’s amazing most of the time as is almost everyone’s life and that is exactly what I am trying to figure out. I am trying to figure out how to live this life, how to enjoy it, how to survive in it, how to stand out, how to make the most of it, how to be utterly and profoundly happy in a world where I have always felt I don’t quite belong in.

Hopefully, that got your attention, and you kept reading and didn’t close the tab. My name is Ada, (Basically Fairy), I am 27 as I write this and for as long as I can remember feeling like I belong isn’t something I am familiar with. I have always felt like a fish out of water, literally the ocean is the one place I always felt like I belonged in, and I have thought long and hard about writing all of this and sharing my life with complete strangers for a long time and well nowadays is not really that big of a deal, so here it goes.

Welcome to my ocean on the internet, an open safe space for me, (and hopefully you one day). A Space where I can share my story, my thoughts, my journey to become my best self. A space where anyone can feel like they belong, where everybody can share their stories.  I am not really sure as to why I am doing a public blog, I just hope that there are people out there who feel like I do, who think like I do and have struggled to find someone to relate to and I hope to become that person.

Not sure what I will write about but it will definitely be in the range of anything from Sharks to world politics and everything in between, and as I write about all of these topics know that everyone and anyone is welcomed in the community I hope to create with this page. I hope the ups and downs of my past, present, and future life are something you can relate to.

I am a Mermaid in a Shark Tank and I have spent the majority of my life bumping my head against the wall of the tank trying to keep moving, and I hope this page become my way out, because as most sharks I need to keep moving, and I will do everything to ensure I migrate forward.

This is the first post on my new blog. I’m just getting this new blog going, so stay tuned for more. Subscribe below to get notified when I post new updates.

Directly from the shark tank XOXO- Ada

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  • Haydee Maria Escriba
    November 25, 2019

    Hey, Little Mermaid, I get how you feel. When you find the magic formula pas it on. For me it is all about following your feet and taking one step at a time. Pearls of not so wisdom from an almost not a Boomer to a Millenial. Keep it up says @therealMom.

    • agfreiria
      December 7, 2019

      Lol Momma with the support

  • Andy
    December 3, 2019

    En el mar siempre la vida es más sabrosa. Eres una sirena pero que sabe cómo tratar a los tiburones.

    • agfreiria
      December 7, 2019

      Exactamente!! Gracias Andy

  • Carla Sánchez Oficial
    December 3, 2019

    Esa manera de contar el porqué de este espacio me transmitió mucha sinceridad. No tengo dudas de que lograrás tus metas, te felicito y deseo mucho éxito 💛✨

    • agfreiria
      December 7, 2019

      Gracias Carla, esa era mi intención! Que bueno que te gusto.

  • Mamayprofesora
    December 3, 2019

    Me identifico totalmente con tus palabras! Bonito post @mamayprofesora

    • agfreiria
      December 7, 2019

      Que bueno, este espacio es para todos y todas las que se indentifiquen

  • Enriqueta E Lemoine
    December 3, 2019

    I love this. I define myself as a red sapphire and we all know sapphires are blue. So, you got me. Keep writing and posting.

    • agfreiria
      December 7, 2019

      Absolutely love this analogy!

  • Ideasandcreams
    December 3, 2019

    Toda una sirena…el mar. Tus reflexiones son como la vida misma.

    • agfreiria
      December 7, 2019

      Gracias! Que bueno que te gusto

    December 3, 2019

    Me ha encantado leer este post

    • agfreiria
      December 7, 2019

      Que bueno! Que fue lo mas que te gusto?

  • Veronica Castagno
    December 3, 2019

    Me encanta lo que escribís, aunque confieso que el mar me da un poco de miedo, el mundo me parece fascinante. Claro que habría que cuidarse de los tiburones, pero estan en todos lados!

    • agfreiria
      December 7, 2019

      Los tiburonesmas peligrosos viven en las ciudades con nosotros