Last 90 Days Challenge
On October 1st 2019, My cousin (my accountability partner) sent a video to our group chat of the Last 90 Days Journal, I was officially intrigued, did a quick google search, came across The Hollis Co, Last 90 Days Challenge. Right there and then at 8:30 am I signed up to get the weekly emails and do this whole thing. Around 2:30pm I purchased the journal( not necessary to participate) and waited. From that moment on (not that I had connected the dots yet) I made a commitment to my self to do more of what I love, to find my why, to dedicate time to what makes me happy.
The challenge (a free one), is about committing yourself to doing 5 things everyday. It’s called “5 To Thrive” and its a promise to yourself that you will dedicate time for yourself in your schedule. A promise to yourself that you are working for a better tomorrow.

5 To Thrive
- Daily Gratitude Practice
- Drink half your body weight in ounces
- Move your body for 30 minutes everyday
- Give up 1 category of food
- Wake up one hour earlier.
Now let me tell you how I am doing this. 1) Every Morning I use the journal I bought, I write 5 things I am grateful for from the day before. Every-night while in bed I write things I am grateful for in my personal journal to then transfer to my “Girl Stop Apologizing” Journal. 2) I absolutely love Starbucks (not and Ad, but definitely open to that) so I have way to many of their Trenti Reusable (with straws) Cup and that is what I use to drink my water, As soon as I get up I fill that up with Ice, Lemons and Water and start drinking, I did the math and if I drink about 6 of those cups a day I am drinking around half my body weight, I also have 4 reminders on my Todoist App that say ” Girl did you finish your water”, so I hold myself accountable to this. 3) This is the hardest for me but it is also the one I invested most in, I hired a personal trainer to create monthly workouts I can do by myself at the gym, cause as much as I love her, I can’t afford her one on one’s. My workouts at the gym are for 3 times a week, and the rest of the days, I either run in the mornings, (Who am I?) or walk in the afternoon with my dog. 4) I work late, sometimes so I find any excuse to not cook, So For October I gave up Fast Food (forcing myself to cook), In November it’s Fast Food & cheese 🧀, and in December it’s Fast Food, Cheese and Bread. 5) Waking up early sucks for me so, I decided I would push myself to create a full routine as I NEED my 8 hours of sleep. My routine is to Be asleep/in bed going to sleep at 10:30pm every-night and wake up at 6am, 1 hour earlier than I am used to.
Now doing all of this hasn’t been easy, it has sucked, but I am committed, so committed that October was one of the most amazing months I have ever had, but then came November with the expectations and needs from other people, and I slacked off for 1 day, and said it’s fine tomorrow I will get back on track and now its November 20th and I fell of the boat, so bad that I even bought the “Girl Wash Your Face” Book by Rachel Hollis, as a tool to get me back on track, have I succeeded? hell no, I keep putting excuses and not prioritizing myself but I know that as long as I keep trying to get back on the boat, I am working towards the better version of my self.
Whats Next? Its the Wednesday 20th, We are one week away from Thanksgiving and I am not allowing this holiday to literally be the current pulling me away from the boat. So I promise this to you and myself. Today I will go jog for 30 minutes, I will drink 6 of my cups of water, and will not eat any fast food or cheese, and this will continue, and not stop.
I will check back in next week after the holidays and give you guys an updated!
Happy Thanksgiving!, Enjoy the food but eat healthy and drink your water!